How Much Breastmilk Should an 8 Pound Baby Eat


How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn Swallow – Infant Feeding Guidelines

I still remember breastfeeding my first child Alice for the very kickoff time, it is a stressful period as she keeps crying after feeds and y'all are worried whether she is having plenty. That is when I try to detect out how much breastmilk should a newborn eat to resolve this worry.

Infant feeding guidelines

Most newborns volition feed every 2-iii hours at around 8 – 12 feedings a day. As they grow bigger, their milk intake will gradually increase accordingly. The most drastic change will most probable have place in the first 7 days, 2weeks and i month. Their intake on 24-hour interval 1 volition be around 6-viii mL( 0.2 – 0.26 ounces) feeding on colostrum. At day 3, they will potable around 29 mL(1 ounce) per feeding. At day 7, it will increase to around 30 – 60mL(one – 2 ounce) per feeding. Their feeding amount should accomplish 60mL-90mL(2-iii ounces) past 2 weeks and 90-120mL(3-4 ounces) on the 1st month.

How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn EatHow many ounces of breastmilk for a two month old

At 2 months old, their milk intake will increase from 1 month old and usually will take 120 – 150mL(four-5 ounces) per feed every 3 to 4 hours

three – 4 month old baby feeding corporeality

During this period of fourth dimension, a baby usually will have in 120 – 180mL(4-six ounces)  per feed every 3 to four hours. Growth spurt may also occur at this stage.

How much milk does a half-dozen month old need

At this signal of time, their consumption will be around 180mL – 240mL(6-viii ounces) per feed. They should simply need 4 -5 feedings per day at this point in time. This is likewise the period where you can start introducing solid foods which will reduce the amount of milk intake. There are chances of a growth spurt during the 6 calendar month mark.

How to tell if baby is still hungry after breastfeeding

Signs that bear witness your infant is nevertheless hungry

  1. Waking up and looks restless
  2. Crying and screaming for food
  3. Opening his/her mouth while feeding
  4. Turning his/her head away
  5. Sucking rapidly
  6. Appearing overly lethargic

Can a breastfed baby be overfed?

Yeah. A breastfed baby will show symptoms like gaining large amounts of weight, excessive gas, tummy pains, greenish stools. He/she may besides spit out large amounts of breast milk which may be caused by also frequent feeds.

Tum capacity of newborn infant

Depending on the size and weight of your newborn infant, their stomach capacity may have some slight difference. Most newborns volition eat every 2-three hours or around 8-12 feedings a day. It is crucial to understand that all babies are different. Some may like to feed oftentimes while others may feed more than at 1 go and drag longer till the next feeding fourth dimension.

How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn Eat1st Mean solar day – On day 1, a newborn's baby wall is firm and volition not stretch. The size is around the same as a grape.  Babe tummy holds 6-8 mil at this point of time. The mother will as well produce about 36-37ml of milk/colostrum in the first 24hours. Colostrum described as liquid cold and yellow in color contains lots of nutrients and helps the newborn to build their allowed system and fight against infections. ( Source )

tertiary solar day – At this point of time, the newborn stomach size will be similar a ping pong brawl. This is the catamenia when the stomach starts to expand to hold more milk and mothers also start to produce more milk volume.

7th mean solar day – On the seventh day, the newborn stomach size will be like an egg. with frequent feedings, milk product increases to about 300 -570 ml (10-19 ounces) per 24-hour interval. Infant's stomach can now hold xxx-60 ml ( 1 -2 ounces) at feeding by the end of the week. (Source)

Breastfeeding and canteen feeding expressed milk

There is a difference between breastfeeding and bottle feeding expressed milk. Breastfeeding is the process of letting your newborn latch on to your chest and feed directly.(Check out also Does Breast Size Affect Breastfeeding?)  Bottle feeding expressed milk is expressing milk from breast pump fill into milk bottles to feed the newborn.

Pros and cons of breastfeeding


  1. More bonding – latching straight and cuddling together often helps to build a strong bonding betwixt mummy and child
  2. Convenient – You can feed anywhere at any time without whatever preparation needed
  3. Soothe the baby – in that location are studies done that show breastfeeding help soothe the baby later on receiving vaccinations( Source )
  4. Relieve some money as breastfeeding is free compared to paying for milk formula


  1. Less control of feeding time – y'all cannot outsource the task of feeding the baby
  2. More tiring – You cannot enjoy uninterrupted sleep when yous baby wakes up every 2-three hours
  3. Sore nipples or other ailments – You lot may suffer from sore nipples or even bleed when breastfeeding. There are instances where your newborn may bite yous when they start to grow baby teeth.
  4. Worry nearly chest milk supply – y'all may not know whether your milk supply output is sufficent for your baby intake.

Pros and cons for canteen feeding expressed milk


  1. More control of feeding time – You tin can pump out the milk and let someone else feed the infant
  2. Amend quality sleep – You can savour uninterrupted sleep
  3. Able to donate backlog – If y'all are exclusively pumping, your excess milk can be donated to other mummies who need information technology
  4. Easier to gauge – You will know exactly how much breastmilk supply you are expressing out as compared to breastfeeding


  1. Less bonding time- You will enjoy less bonding time with the babe equally compared to latching on directly
  2. More expensive – yous may need to spend more money on supplies needed for breastfeeding
  3. Need more storage space – You will need to cater for storage infinite in freezer to store the expressed milk for later use

Formula feeding a newborn babe

In that location may exist some differences when feeding a newborn with formula milk and breastmilk. The nutrients from breastmilk and formula milk will also differ.

A general guide for formula-fed newborn

Formula-fed babies need around 150-210mL(5 – 7 ounces) of formula per kilogram of body weight per day until three months old, and so 120 mL( 4 ounces) per kilogram of body weight.

For case, a 2 weeks old baby who weighs three kg might accept 450 – 630 mL( xv – 21 ounces) of formula a 24-hour interval or a 3 month onetime baby who weighs 5kg might have 600 ml( twenty ounces) of formula a day.

Formula fed babies commonly have 5 – 7 feeds every 24 hours, simply this may vary between each baby and the length of feeds. Feed your infant whenever he/she is hungry.

Y'all can also follow the guidelines on the formula tin. However, do note that they serve as a guide and you lot tin adjust appropriately to your infant needs.

Some babies may never drink the correct corporeality for their age and size while others need more than. Wet nappies, consistent healthy weight gains and an agile babe are signs that he/she is feeding well on formula.

To Summarise How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn Swallow

It is useful to know how much breastmilk should a newborn consume. Nevertheless, ever cheque with your lactation consultant to get the best tips on breastfeeding your infant.  Yous may also great to discover out when can I start pumping if I'k breastfeeding and How Fast Does Food Impact Breast Milk. Driblet a annotate below if you have any questions and would similar to share some of your personal experience.

Tanya Madsen

How-do-you-do, I'k Tanya Madsen, a stay at abode mother of 3 and a full time blogger. I participate in Amazon affiliate programs and earn a commission when yous click over from our site. Information technology won't cost you an extra dime (in fact you'll usually get a disbelieve), and so information technology'southward a win-win.


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